Welcome to my hunting page I'm glad you stopped by. Feel free to browse through it, even though right now it's very small. Right now here's a little about myself, I'm 20 and have grown up on a small farm in northwest Minnesota near a small town called Wannaska. We raise beef cattle, both Simmental and Angus. I started rifle hunting deer when I was twelve and have been bowhunting for three years. I love to spend time outdoors whether it's working or playing. Right now I'm attending the University of Minnesota, Crookston. I am majoring in Environmental and Natural Resource Managment. Please take time and visit homepages of other hunters and huntresses I've met and become friends with on Bowhunting.Net chat and Buck Talk. Please sign my guestbook as well.

If you know of a really good site that you don't see here and isn't here in a few days e-mail me the address and I'll take a look at it and possibly add it.

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